The LIGHT team shares their VFX breakdown on Ridley Scott’s Napoleon.

Ridley Scott’s Napoleon is a testament to meticulous detail and artistic collaboration. For the team at LIGHT, bringing the epic to life meant crafting assets that seamlessly blend into the narrative, pushing boundaries in digital artistry.
From life-like creatures to historically accurate set pieces, a standout contribution was the digital recreation of horses – integral to the story and a benchmark in blending VFX with historical storytelling.
The horses, especially the carriage horses, were fascinating to supervise, and the results were amazing. One of the most memorable aspects was working on dead body models – it was surreal seeing them early in the morning! We also ventured into skeleton and muscle simulations for the horses – a challenging, but rewarding journey.
Marie Fichet, Head of Assets at LIGHT
This dedication to anatomical precision ensured the CG horses moved and interacted naturally, heightening the authenticity of pivotal battle and transportation scenes.
Oliver Johnstone, VFX Supervisor, was impressed by the team’s remarkable transformation of reference footage.
It was stunning to see how the team transformed onset reference horses into something almost indistinguishable from the real thing. This project demonstrated how VFX can subtly and perfectly elevate a scene. No horses were harmed in the making – except the CG ones.
Oliver Johnstone, VFX Supervisor at LIGHT
For Chloe Roberts, Lead Groom Artist, Napoleon presented an exciting challenge.
I was thrilled to work on a Ridley Scott film! It was a fantastic opportunity to push myself and for LIGHT to showcase the quality of work we’re capable of as a team. Seeing my work in motion, with the CG horses coming alive, was incredibly rewarding.
Chloe Roberts, Lead Groom Artist at LIGHT
The grooming of fur and mane, alongside detailed shaders and textures, played a vital role in making the digital horses indistinguishable from their real-life counterparts. Their artists are passionate about creating life-like creatures, and their dedication truly shines through in the final work.
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