All our working groups provide forums for discussion on important topics, but they do more than this. The groups are not “talking-shops” as they seek to analyse issues from which we action new policy campaigns and initiatives.

To join a working group message us via the Contact Us page of this website. Only representatives of UK Screen Alliance or Animation UK member companies may join working groups.

Facilities Members Group

This is the group that participates in our weekly Zoom calls which covers topical issues of the week affecting post & VFX and often has guest speakers for other stakeholder organisations, like BFI, BFC, DCMS etc.

VFX & Animation Skills Working Group

Our most active group meets 10 times a year and its remit is anything to do with the VFX & animation workforce, both domestic and international. It is attended by HR, recruitment, talent management, learning and development, and visa specialists from VFX and animation companies. Its activities have included responding to consultations on post Brexit visas for skilled workers and ensuring that VFX and animation roles are on the Shortage Occupation List. It also is a focal point for developing and promoting training initiatives such as apprenticeships. It is also the driving force behind of annual workforce survey.

VFX PR Working Group

This group consists of the VFX studio publicists. Its remit is to promote the UK’s VFX industry as a whole. It collates sharable public domain information and case studies about what VFX is being performed in the UK. These resources are then used in our advocacy campaigns with government, BFI and BFC and for international promotion of the UK as a destination for inward investment.

Post PR Working Group

This group consists of the Post company publicists. It promotes the UK’s post industry as a whole. It emphasises the value of post to productions as this has become eroded and commoditised.

Animation Members Group

This is the main Animation UK member forum for all things animation, such as PSB relationships, the animation tax credit, investment and funding (e.g. YACF and GSF), co-production and international promotion at festivals and markets (e.g. Annecy)

Commercial Animation Working Group

This group consists of animation companies working in the commercial sector. It discusses and addresses issues specific to this branch of animation, such as terms of trade, contracts and codes of practice.

Feature Animation Working Group

Feature animation is a sector which has poor visibility in the UK. Productions usually claim the film tax credit, so any data for the sector is aggregated with live action productions. This group seeks to raise the profile of feature animation and show that the UK is an international player in this sector.

Ad hoc single issue groups

We set up bespoke groups to look at discreet burning topics that may crop up from time to time. In the past these issues have included Soho planning and street access, and other local concerns.

Currently we have an ad hoc group on commercials delivery liaising with Clearcast.

If your particular interest is not served by any of these groups, then please let us know. It may be that others may share similar viewpoints and we can start a new special interest working group.

UK Screen Alliance SUPPORTERS